Rainbow Beach clinic open
After a few busy weeks mother/daughter duo, Sue Bennett and Rochelle Harling, are happy to say, the Rainbow Beach clinic is up and running!
“Everyone has been enthusiastic. I’ve been visiting some of the local businesses, and they are glad we are open,” said Rochelle.
Rochelle will be available for podiatry appointments Tuesdays and Thursdays, and with Sue for physiotherapy on Fridays, in their modern new rooms at the Top Shops Complex, next door to Ocean Breeze Seafoods on Rainbow Beach Road.
“The common feedback is that people are happy to have services in Rainbow Beach,” said Sue. “They are hoping that having us here will draw more services to town.”
If you have an existing referral to any podiatrist these can be accepted – no need for new paperwork. Similarly, any referrals for Sue at Tin Can Bay can be used at Rainbow Beach.
Together with doctors and nurses, allied health professionals like Physios and Podiatrists are regarded as the third pillar of health care providers in Australia.
Like other allied health, Sue and Rochelle work to improve the well being of their clients, manage chronic health conditions and reduce the likelihood of going to hospital. They can also help with early identification of issues – in children as well!
Sue and Rochelle will also be sharing their knowledge with the Community News, letting you know how they can help you and your family.
Rochelle will also be available to care for your feet in Tin Can Bay on Fridays, Wednesdays in Cooloola Cove, and you will also find Sue at her Physio clinic at Tin Can Bay.
Call (07) 5488 0533 or 0487 681 524 to make an appointment now.