Quick drought update..
I guess most people are aware good rains have fallen from the Coast to around 600 kms inland. This still leaves a huge chunk of our state still in a six-year drought.
From Mitchell west to Windorah to Winton, Muttaburra, Barcaldine and down to Blackall including Longreach (NO RAIN) are areas Rainbow Beach Droughtrunners services.
Those that chose to donate to other appeals like Ch 7 and 9 may ask where your money has gone?
Australians donated around $50 million to Farmers Appeals and I would know where about $10 million has gone.
Our government appointed Drought Co-ordinator Major General Stephen Day, and by all reports he is doing a good job, but on October 11 he admitted he had no idea on what percentage of donations was getting to the farm gate…
I know the National Farmers Federation have funds to distribute, but this is not good enough.
Our next semi-load of food and stockfeed pallets goes to Longreach on November 2. Then it will be another load in early December with more food hampers and Christmas presents for the kids.
At least you know there are no admin costs in our organisation, so if you can help please leave donations at the IGAs in Tin Can Bay ,Rainbow Beach or Drakes in Gympie. Bank of Queensland in Gympie will accept donations.
Further information is available from our Facebook page or contact Tony on 0408767930. Thank you to all that have donated this month, more ‘thank yous’ next issue…