Queensland Ambulance Service Emergency Calls
You may have seen or heard through the media that the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is experiencing unprecedented demand for its services due to the current Covid event.
It is anticipated that the Covid peak will be seen in the first week in February which means that demand will only increase.
The QAS is employing measures to address the situation and to utilise available staff to best advantage. However, it would be helpful if the general public could also take some steps to assist during this difficult time.
One area of concern is the number of calls being made for QAS Triple Zero assistance. The operators are fielding a significant number of calls that are not for emergency situations.
If you want to know, for example, where the Covid testing sites are in the region, this information is available on the qld.gov.au/health website or you can call 134COVID (134268).
This site also has a good deal of information on what you need to do if you test positive for Covid including periods of isolation, assistance with essential requirements etc.
Please do not call Triple Zero (000) unless you are experiencing severe symptoms and may need to be hospitalised.
If we all in the community use the Ambulance Service in the correct manner, they will be able to respond more quickly to those patients who have a critical need.
Cheryl Zunic
Treasurer, Cooloola Coast Local Ambulance Committee