QCWA – June 2020
Well another month of our branch being closed due to the pandemic, but hopefully in June we will have direction on a way to open our branch and return to engaging with our members and the community.
I mentioned in last month’s article the upcoming “Biggest Morning Tea” still has no date yet, but will be our first event on our return.
It’s exciting the projects our members have been busy creating during our lockdown at home and completing UFO’s (unfinished objects).
Thank you for your donations of wool and stationery this month ladies, much appreciated.
I mentioned last month a few of the activities that the QCWA are involved in, here are some more.
Agriculture and Environment Committee (excerpt from their monthly report):
When Captain Arthur Phillips landed in Australia he had on board 28 fat-tailed sheep which he had purchased in South Africa – they ate 27 and only had one left. Oops!
Challenge yourself as we did with this quiz:
- What is more profitable, sheep for wool or sheep for meat?
- Can you run sheep and cattle together?
- Where do our woollen clothes come from, Australia or overseas wool?
Country Kitchen put out a ‘Monthly Munch’ promoting and advocating together for better health and wellbeing.
The key messages for autumn were to get more fruit and veggies in your meal; aim for five veggie serves each day and two fruits.
Enjoy soups, casseroles, stew and pasta dishes and be aware of sugar in your drinks. Juice should be 100% with no added sugar. Water is always a good choice and sit less and move more.
Now we are spending more time at home, it is a good time to get on to that gardening – a good physical activity and they say it can reduce stress.
Our branch will be holding a Country Kitchen activity later in the year (cancelled due to restrictions).
So, stay safe and happy, remember we are all in this together.
QCWA enquiries, President 0412 547 043. Cottage Convenor for bookings and enquiries, 0490 670 518, 18 Whiting Street Tin Can Bay.
Craft, Biggest Morning Tea and Hoy dates in next month’s edition.