QCWA hosting High Tea at Cathy House
August has been a big month as we had our AGM and special guest Pam Bauer, our returning officer, along with our Division President, Julia Ashcroft and guests welcomed in our new team.
We thank them all for helping us to have a very strong leadership for our year ahead.
Our next fundraiser is a High Tea being held at Kathy House on October 9 from 10am till 12 noon. Price per ticket is $10 which will be limited to 50 tickets. We ask that you all bring your own cup, saucer and plate as fancy and unique as you want, as there will be a prize for best presentation.
There will be a door prize and raffles to be won and proceeds will be for our support of the Queensland Rural Crisis Fund. Tickets will be sold at our QCWA Hall on September 4, 9, 18 and October 2, between 12 and 1pm.
Craft days are becoming very popular and fun with Diamond Painting, Trauma Teddies and Octopuses under the wonderful direction of Dianna our Craft leader.
Following a news article regarding “knitted jumpers” urgently needed for our baby penguins on Phillip Island, Victoria, we now have a knitting pattern from the Foundation.This is due to climate change and therefore will be an ongoing project. Patterns will be available from Wendy: 0412547043.
Important dates to remember: Craft first Monday of the month, 10am; Hoy third Wednesday of the month 10am $7 entry, lucky door, raffle prizes.
The QCWA Hall is located at 18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay, for more information contact Dawn on 0434518836.