QCWA Competitions
Just in:
From QCWA Tin Can Bay President
On behalf of QCWA Tin Can Bay, please appreciate that in the current situation all meetings, events and competition have been suspended. Our priority is for the safety of our Community.
We all had a fantastic afternoon at the community concert with funds helping the Bushfire Crisis and we thank you all for your donations.
The CWA Tin Can Bay Branch would also like to thank Marilyn and her team for organising the event.
Our photography winners have been notified and will now go to our division photography competition and then if successful onto State Conference in Cairns in October.
The QCWA International Conference was attended by two of our members at Caboolture.The Honorary Japan Consul-General Mr. Tanaka Kazunari spoke of the importance of Trade between Queensland and Japan, the devastating effects of the 2011 Earthquake, Tsunami and the effects of COVID-19 on the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.
We also passed on from our Branch to the international convenor our collection of bras and ‘Kits for Kids’ to go on to PNG. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the branch.
We now have a second craft morning for our lovely group of ladies and requested dates and times are in What’s On.
Our cottage has great bookings up till November, we are getting quotes for a new fence and will be putting a new stove in the cottage in April. Visitors are very impressed with our holiday accommodation.
Cottage Convenor: 0490 670 518
QCWA enquiries, President 0412 547 043
18 Whiting Street, Tin Can Bay – All welcome