Purple Pedestrian Stops Councillor In His Tracks
On a morning run along Carlo Road in about mid-May, Councillor Dan Stewart was surprised to see a purple pedestrian attempting to cross the road along the straight heading towards Carlo Point. Dan stopped for a quick photo before the little fellow turned and wandered back into the wallum.
Dan sought the opinion of an expert from the Department of Environment and Science (DES), and they advised that the freshwater crayfish was a Cherax robustus which are only found in wallum heathlands in coastal south east Queensland and its conservation status is listed as vulnerable. It is not to be confused with the Cherax dispar that is found in Searys Creek.
What a lovely little encounter to have on a morning run!
Have you spotted a threatened, vulnerable or endangered species on the coast? Please send in your photos to the Rainbow Beach Community News and also make sure you have the iNaturalist app on your phone as your sighting uploads can become part of the Atlas of Living Australia.