Play football for Gympie
Football Gympie is eager to establish Gympie representative teams for 2017 for Boys Under 12, 13, 14, 15 and Girls 13, 15 to take part in the Inter City Competition Representative program.
The training sessions are open to all players in those age groups, even if they have never played representative before.
The past two years Gympie has been left out of the program, therefore Football Gympie is very keen to nominate teams for 2017.
Games will be played with Wide Bay teams approximately one Sunday per month in Maryborough, Bundaberg, Gladstone and Gympie.
Gympie training sessions will be held on Fridays. From this competition players will be selected for the Football Wide Bay teams to play in State competitions.
Football Gympie is interested in all registered players who are keen to attend the training session being held 4.30pm, Friday November 18 at the club house. Contact Pam on 0753821801 or mobile 0400 421 801 for more information.