Pilates keeps you moving
Pilates is mind-body exercise due to its principles of concentration, coordination, fluidity, alignment, and breathing control. Pilates is about how you move, so in essence we use it to re-train movement patterns, to move your body through all planes of motion and to balance your body through an appropriate exercise selection for you.
Like any form of body movement, the quality of your Pilates experience and the results will depend upon your teacher and their skills in selecting the best movements for your body, their ability to teach you, and their ability to discern how you move and to correct you effectively during the session.
Our teacher, Sarah has been in the fitness industry for 20 years, and specialising in Pilates for 16 years. Our focus is movement quality and selecting the exercises which will bring balance to your body.
We use Pilates as our underlying exercise system and add NeuroHab functional movement training which is amazingly good for backs and teaches you how to move in a daily capacity, strengthening/toning, myofascial self-release, stretching; as well as advise you on cardiovascular training and nutrition.
We will refer you on to appropriate allied health professionals for further advice as needed.
We run Pilates Mat Classes, Step Aerobics and Small Group Pilates/PT sessions at Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay. For all our class/session times see our timetable on our website and contact us for a discussion on your needs.