Photography In These Challenging Times

Melissa Haslam from the Tin Can Bay Camera Club with her Easter Challenge photo

Melissa Haslam from the Tin Can Bay Camera Club with her Easter Challenge photo

Julie Hartwig, Tin Can Bay Camera Club

My, how the world has changed in just a few short weeks! While many clubs have seen their activities come to a grinding halt, photography and the activities of the Tin Can Bay Camera Club are able to continue virtually full steam ahead. How can we do this?

Photography, by its very nature in the modern world, is largely digital. So we have transferred most of our activities online. Our club print competitions have been converted to digital competitions with online viewing and judging through the club’s website. If you’d like to see the entries in competitions that are currently being judged, please visit our website (web address below).

We are also utilising our (sorry, secret) Facebook group to conduct our monthly critique/feedback sessions, and our regular photo shoots have been replaced with weekly photo challenges that members can do around their home. These are proving very popular with members and we are seeing some wonderful images submitted.

The only thing that has fallen by the wayside is our monthly Photoshop workshops. Due to the hands-on nature of these help sessions, they have proven too difficult to convert to the online world for our members.

In the meantime, we will keep on snapping!

All Tin Can Bay Camera Club’s meetings cancelled until further notice.

Visit the club website at

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