Peter and Margaret Grant 50th Wedding Anniversary
Where did those 50 years come from? Surely, it was only a few years ago that we were young lovebirds embarking on a life together.
I remember Peter’s mum and dad celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. And what a celebration we had with many of their friends and lots of family in attendance.
In contrast, our celebration was almost a ‘non-event’. We had a quiet dinner with our next-door neighbours and two of our grandchildren. Our ‘major’ celebration will come later in the year when we travel to Norfolk Island with two other couples that are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary as well. Of course, that’s if Covid allows for travel….grrrrr.
So much has happened in our 50 years together – man walked on the moon two years before, the end of the Vietnam war, World Expo in Brisbane, terrorist acts around the world, Commonwealth Games and Olympic Games in Australia. Yes, we have seen a lot happening in the world.
For us, in our world, we have seen many, many changes. Although, I’m not sure what is more enjoyable; the birth of our five children or the arrival of our six grandchildren. Yes, our grandchildren are truly a delight – spoil them and hand them back (hahahaha).
Fifty years ago, I was a teacher and Peter worked for his dad as an electrician. From there, we have, together, walked down a variety of different paths. By far, the longest path was from here in Rainbow Beach.
In 1998, Peter designed the Saturn Antenna for the traveller which led to a very active life on the road going to caravan shows around Australia. Two years ago, we retired from the nomad-life and now enjoy pursuing our many hobbies, travelling with friends and seeing our grandchildren a lot more.
So, what makes for a marriage that lasts for 50 years, you ask? For us, it is remembering that life is a bed of roses – there are thorns but there are lots more beautiful flowers. Love, commitment, and consideration are paramount.
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