No Apologies

Sgt Mick Bazzo - OIC Tin Can Bay Policeby Sgt Mick Bazzo, OIC Tin Can Bay Police

Easter has come and gone, but not without again leaving us a little disappointed. The weather was relentlessly unkind to the holiday makers and many were deterred and simply did not come. Those that did were generally well behaved.

Police, as you may have noticed, were out in force over the holiday period. Our main focus was road safety, and yes, that did include the beach.

General Duty and Road Policing Officers from Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach, Sunshine Coast, Gympie and Maryborough all played a part in our Easter Operation.

The operation focused on the four-day long weekend, with over 1600 RBT being conducted, resulting in three drink driving offenders; 81 random drug tests identified 6 offenders, and 117 traffic infringement notices issued for offences ranging from speeding to defective vehicles.

Other offences, including drug offences, have seen a number of persons given notices for court appearances.

Our main focus for the weekend was to keep the roads safe and free from trauma. For our area, we did succeed in this task, but it was still disappointing to see the high level of traffic violations.

School is back. Please, for the safety of our little ones, be observant of the times and speed limits in and around schools and school zones. Road safety is the responsibility of each and every road user and police make no apologies for enforcing the road rules to keep our community safe.

Other recent events included ANZAC Day and the Labour Day long weekend.

More long weekends are just around the corner. Again, Police will be out in force patrolling the division, targeting traffic offences and bad behaviour.

If you are planning any celebrations, be considerate of your neighbours. Not everyone has the time off. Enjoy yourself but keep it within reason.

That’s it for this time round. Be safe.

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