
Tobias, Rhys, Brooke, Banjo, Mason, Lily back, Dysis (Front), Sienna and Di during Clean Up Australia Day

Tobias, Rhys, Brooke, Banjo, Mason, Lily back, Dysis (Front), Sienna and Di during Clean Up Australia Day

Unfortunately Nippers has been cancelled for the rest of the season and the Nippers Break-up will be postponed until a later date.

Helen and Brooke would like to thank everyone who has helped out over the season.

They said: “Many hands make light work and you all have made our jobs that much easier. A special thank you to our Water Safety and our Age Managers, without whom Nippers would not be able to run.

“Thank you everyone and see you all next season!!”

This year to date there have been 20,632 people on the beach; 1486 craft users; 13 with minor cuts and abrasions; 347 preventative actions taken; 215 first aid reports; 1006 preventative actions – and every one of them ………..was looked after by a volunteer. Thank you!

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