Nippers End of Season Breakup
Helen Brown, Junior Activies Co-ordinator
We’ve all survived yet another exciting season filled with fun games, activities, beach and surf safety awareness, new skills and fitness.
This season we’ve had just over 70 Nippers registered with our Club, and I’m sure that each one of them has benefited from the program through better safety awareness, surf skills, rescue techniques, first aid/CPR and much more. Congratulations all!
Thanks go to Nerissa Legge, Ron Organ, Justin Schooth, Mel Dennien, Dustin Kenman, Brad Hethorn , Michael Brantz and Vicki Schooth, Age Managers and Assistants, Water Safety Team, Pauline Buchanan, Michelle Gilmore, Anton Klekar, Tasman McClintock, Don Reid, Brad Hethorn, Brooke Bignell, Fiona Worthington, Renee Dawkings, Shane Handy, our club president and committee for their support all the wonderful Mums and Dads who have helped through the season.
I’d also like to thank sponsors listed, Gympie Printing, RBSLS Supporter’s Club and Daleen and Roelaf Heyneke, Andrew Kingsley and Rainbow Beach Fruit.
We are desperate for Age Managers as the Report from our Inspection from Branch pointed out. Our chief training Officer will be running a Observer’s course in the near future if anyone is interested. Just a couple of hours is all it takes.
The Tony Perrett Most Outstanding Nipper recipient has consistently proven her skills, she always displays good behavior, and shows respect, care and consideration for her fellow nippers. She is a strong, modest competitor, and has represented the club at our home carnival each year. Her readiness to help others is a credit to herself and her parents. Congratulations Sophie Schooth!
Sophie Schooth, Piper Treeby and Lily Wintle have all completed their Surf Rescue Certificate. I wish them all the best for their future and hope to see them patrolling and participating in water safety for the nippers in years to come.