Next generation into the new year

The Cooloola Cove markets stall. YAP is always appreciative of donations to keep this fundraising project going.
The Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project has had a very busy 2018. The regular activity program has included some outstanding events such as the creation of a youth section in the Art Show, another section Champion at the Flower Show, outstanding performances at the Cooloola’s Got Talent showcase and Sound of Teen Spirit concert.
President, Jess Milne, would like to thank all the community groups, individuals and businesses that have supported YAP over the past year. “Without the generosity of the community our organisation wouldn’t be able to continue to provide safe social and mentoring opportunities for youth on the Cooloola Coast.
“I would also like to take a moment to thank the YAP volunteers who work tirelessly to deliver our motto of encouraging, supporting and empowering the next generation. From early morning market set up, selling raffle tickets, busking for change or helping at activities their enthusiasm glue holds YAP together,” Jess exclaimed.
Looking into the future, YAP is open to any organisation that has an idea for a youth activity that will offer a chance to sample something new. “We have solid partnerships with several organisations providing very successful activities on an annual basis and we are hoping to expand. YAP is looking to support the development of youth participation within other organisations so the next generation can keep these clubs going into the future.”
For further information call/text Jess on 0411 218 254.