News from Rainbow Beach State School

Jacob and Jasper prepare for their costumed dance!

Jacob and Jasper prepare for their costumed dance!

by Principal Micheal Grogan

We had a special parade last month to celebrate our amazing support staff. Alice, Tangles, Theresa, Cate, Jill and Sarah do a fantastic job in supporting the learning of our kids here at Rainbow Beach. They all do their best each and every day and I am extremely proud to have all of them as colleagues at our school.

Our students have been fortunate to visit many different places and have several people come in and work with them over the course of the term. At the conclusion of every day the feedback we get is always the same: “What a great bunch of kids”.

It is a credit to our students that they always leave such a positive impression on the people they meet. Well done to all of you and I am sure we will all have a fantastic end to the year.

Rose and Mikayla appealed to judges with their sweet finale!

Rose and Mikayla appealed to judges with their sweet finale!

4/5/6 Camp

I was very lucky last week to go to Brisbane for our class camp. I would like to thank Mrs. White and Ms. McColl for giving up their time and coming along to the camp.

We had a fantastic time and all of the students did an excellent job immersing themselves in the cultural, historical and sporting aspects of the camp.

Once again, everywhere we went we received positive comments and praise on the behaviour and manners of our students.

Bush tucker for our Kitchen Garden

Students have started clearing ready for a bush tucker garden, stocked with trees donated by Cooloola City Farm. It is part of a Gympie Regional Council initiative to promote the use of native plants to create food, and habitat opportunities for local fauna.

The P&C has recently purchased six fruit trees from Wallu Nursery to create a small orchard, with Kevin and Lois from the nursery kindly donating an additional three trees. Our Working Bee date will be advised early in Term 4.

Rainbow’s Got Talent

What a fun afternoon we had on Friday watching Rainbow’s Got Talent! We have some very talented people in our midst. Whether singing, dancing, joking or performing magic tricks –  we were constantly entertained.

Thank-you to all the participants and parents who came along as support, and Shane at Crème de la Crème for prizes. We raised another $40 for the Student Council.

The kids all had a ball. Maybe this could be one of our annual fundraisers? Stay tuned for our Term 4 events.

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