New members welcomed at Probus
A couple of weeks ago our Tour Director, Arthur Leggo, arranged a very successful trip to the Gympie Gold Mining Museum. We gathered for a tasty lunch and chat afterwards.
We have several activities coming up in September and October. Many of us are looking forward to our visit to the Recycling Plant at Hervey Bay on October 2. Waste Management is something we all need to learn more about.
On Friday October 5 we will have a booth about Probus activities at the Information Day held at The Tin Can Bay RSL. A barbeque and activities day is planned for later in October – details to come.
Some of our members are keen to brush up their computer skills at the Tin Can Bay Library and are very grateful for Kimberley’s help over the next few weeks. We meet the second Monday of each month at 2pm at Sandcastle Motel, 115 Gympie Rd. Tin Can Bay.
For more information contact Kaye Olson 0421 648 129 or Jo Said 0428 762 578.