Mytho-Poetic – Gympie Gallery
In the national printmaking community Glen Skien is highly respected and for more than 20 years has developed loyal audiences and eager workshop participants. His most recent work is a fusion of print, assemblage and collage that explores notions of identity and place in his latest exhibition, Mytho-Poetic officially opening at the Gympie Regional Gallery on Friday 3rd May at 7pm.
Postcards, letters, photographs, newspaper clippings, found objects and drawings are combined with different textures, surfaces and printmaking techniques to tell stories about the past and the present.
Fish and birds, boats and houses, solitary figures and cryptic inscriptions appear frequently in his work, as do myths and icons. All are explored many different ways and experienced through many different forms of consciousness. The use of discarded materials also provides the opportunity to explore the residues of absence that informs human experiences, of what remains unspoken, of the absence of death, absence of the past or what remains absent in memory.
Glen Skien’s exhibition is a luscious meandering of history of place and time, memory and fiction, reality and dreams. Glen will conduct a special workshop in drypoint etching, collage and drawing on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th June. For details phone 5481 0733. Mytho-Poetic will be on view from 30th April to 15th June, with opening hours at the Gympie Regional Gallery from Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 4pm.