Music, music, music + mirth and merriment
At our last Music Plus night in Cooloola Cove we used the new audio equipment to which all our followers contributed.
At $2 a head each evening over three years, plus contributions on our April evening, we have purchased some sound equipment that will help enhance our performances.
Ron Bygrave helped set it up and monitored it throughout the evening – not an easy job to do, but thanks are due to him and to his friend Tex who spotted the advert on eBay which prompted Pam to go ahead and buy it. Thanks again Tex.
We need to be mindful that although it allows for instruments to be ‘plugged in’, this is not always necessary. Our concern is always for those of our audience sitting at the back of the hall who cannot hear the lighter voices, speech or singing.
We had a very good evening of music and fun ending finally with Jo and Tommy ”Encore” entertaining us right royally.
Next Music Plus on Thursday September 24, 2015.