More fun and more concerts for CCYAP

Ocean, Hannah and Indigo discover a clue in the scavenger hunt - the CCYAP are hosting a family fun day day, team events and more in January

Ocean, Hannah and Indigo discover a clue in the scavenger hunt – the CCYAP are hosting a family fun day day, team events and more in January

Fun fun fun is being had by youth of all ages these holidays, thanks to the Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project.

The Finding Fun scavenger hunt at Norman Point battled the winds but all teams managed to stay grounded and find the answer to the secret question, as well as facts about the environment and their local park.

Christmas Craft creativity was impressive and Festive Foods produced ‘made from scratch’ culinary delights to munch on. Everyone had a great time at the Summer Splash, which had water flying in all directions.

The fun continues in January with four more fantastic activities, see the holiday pages in this edition.

There will be another Sound of Teen Spirit concert in the next few month; so if you know of an aspiring teen musician who wants some stage time then encourage them to start practising!

Also in the pipeline is a Cooloola’s Got Talent quest that is open to all ages up to 18 years. Whether it be music, dance, magic, comedy or something unique, then we want you! For registration for the music concert or talent quest, send your act details through to or contact Jess or Ronnie.

If you have an idea for a youth activity then please send through your ideas to Jess on 0411 218 254 or Ronnie on 0413 135 867.

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