More events for our youth
If you missed the fun activities in the jam packed Cooloola Coast Youth Activity Project holiday program, don’t despair. February has two events that will entertain and delight the youth of all ages.
Saturday 11- Savoury and Sweet Cooking at the Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall from 3pm to 5pm. Easy recipes to make for the rest of your life.
Saturday 25 – Family Fun Day at the Cooloola Coast Veterans and Community Hall from 3pm to 5pm. An all age’s event with something to suit everyone.
CCYAP is still calling out to local teen musicians. No matter what your style or instrument you play we want to hear from you! Aspiring performers will be given valuable stage experience in the Sound of Teen Spirit concert being held in the next few months. All levels of skill are invited to showcase their musical art.
Don’t play an instrument or sing but still want a chance to be onstage? Cooloola’s Got Talent is going to be the next big thing to dazzle on the stage, so get your dance shoes on, magician tricks polished, or any other amazing talent you have to share entered, for a chance to win fantastic prizes.
For further information on any of our upcoming events or to register your act then email or call either Jess on 0411 218 254 or Ronnie on 0413 135 867.