Manta migration

wolf rock 1 Manta Ray 41Wolf Rock dive report by Cheryl Maughan

Its manta ray season at Wolf Rock and the annual migration has begun.  This is the time when we see hundreds of the gentle plankton feeders passing Wolf Rock on their way to Lady Elliott Island.

Like giant alien space ships, they fly through the water so gracefully.  Over Easter weekend we were swimming with about eight manta rays, which was just amazing!

Marine Scientists are now able to identify individuals by the spots or markings on their underbelly, which are unique to each ray.

Divers submit their photography which helps to track where the manta rays are going, and if you photograph a new manta you get to name that individual.

For more information you can go to their website at

Currently we have between 20 and 30 grey nurse sharks, all female and in their gestation phase.

Visibility has been averaging 10 – 15 metres and water temperature is 23-24 degrees.

If anyone has any questions about the animals we see at Wolf Rock, please write in and we’ll do our best to answer.

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