Local Disaster Meeting Rainbow Beach

Concerned Citizens met with Julia Bruynius, Terry Steele, Dimitri Scordalides, Elisa Seul, Cr Mark McDonald and Mark Long at the RB Community Hall.
Thanks to the Community Centre for organising the Disaster Management Meeting at the Community Hall last month to the 200 concerned locals who attended and for your input.
Thanks to Julia Bruynius, community engagement officer, Northern Coast region and Mark Long, Area Commander from the Fire Service, Dimitri Scordalides the director of Infrastructure Services for Gympie Regional Council and head of Disaster Management for the region, Terry Steele, the chairman of the Disaster Management Support team based at Cooloola Cove and Division 1 Councillor, Mark McDonald.
The take-out from the speakers was Be Disaster Prepared. Make sure you, your family and your home have an evacuation plan in place and tune in to the ABC radio for updates during any emergency.
Whether it is bush fire, cyclone or a flood – have your plan in place. That means have a kit with a USB of important documents; passports, medicines, scripts etc. in one place so you can leave without delay. Ensure all members of your family know the plan – in case you are not home.
If an emergency occurs, everyone in the town plus campers who have bought permits, will be notified by the Disaster Management Services and advised on the best course of action at that time and depending on the type of disaster.
A lot of concern and frustration was voiced by residents of Rainbow Shores with the amount of combustible debris ‘lying around’ and the locked access to the shores – this is yet to be resolved and Council has indicated they will have a separate meeting with Rainbow Shores residents.
The other major concern was communication ‘blackspots’ – Council need to know what areas of Rainbow Beach have blackspots. They are now aware that in a blackout the town’s phone services ‘go down’ and we are left without communication – they would also like to know what areas of the town have ‘black spots’ during normal times, so that it can be addressed.
The Community Centre asks for and welcomes your written feedback rainbowcommunity@cirs.net.au or pop a letter into the Centre.
If you have anything at all to add please put it in writing so it can be presented to the Disaster Management Teams, Council and government to address.The next meeting will be held at the Community Hall in January with updates and further information.