Learn to Sail – Tin Can Bay
The Tin Can Bay Yacht Club ran a Learn to Sail Course for kids during the school holidays. The course was one of the most well attended to date, with a total of 21 kids involved aged from 7 to 15.
The kids (and instructors) were challenged with fairly blowy conditions over the three days, even in the shelter of Snapper Creek. Despite the weather, everyone had a go on the water learning to tack, gybe, capsize and recover.
On the final day we held a follow-the-leader procession from the yacht club, down the creek to the marina and back, with a motley crew of Lasers and Bugs plus a Vagabond, Spiral and Opti for good measure.
It was great to have five local kids as assistant instructors, having completed their training in July.
The next Learn to Sail course will be held sometime in January – details to be advertised soon. For enquiries please contact the Tin Can Bay Yacht Club at thesecretarytcbyc@gmail.com
One of the great reviews of the Learn to Sail Program: “It was fantastic. Thank you to all the wonderful, helpful instructors. Your patience, care and humour made this something that has left the kids with excitement and a passion to continue on! Thank you.”