Keep your house number visible

In 2013, the Local Ambulance Committee (LAC) funded a project to have house numbers stencilled on driveways in Rainbow Beach. This action proved very helpful to the ambulance officers responding to a 000 call.

However they have reported some difficulty at Rainbow Shores due to leaf litter obscuring the house numbers. Please ensure that your house number is clearly visible at all times.

The LAC is intending to fund a First Aid Course in early August for community-minded individuals and groups.

The course will run for eight hours on the day and will provide participants with an accredited First Aid Certificate. A number of people have expressed an interest and places are filling quickly.

Another initiative linked to the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) is CPR Awareness Training. Nearly 30,000 Australians will die of cardiac arrest this year because too few bystanders have the basic CPR skills to keep them alive until an ambulance arrives.

Our local ambulance officers can offer CPR training for up to ten people at a time. The training sessions will take approximately 90 minutes and are free (gold coin donation is appreciated). It is hoped that some of the participants will then volunteer to become peer trainers.

If you are interested please send your name and contact details to Cheryl Zunic at

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