Join the Over 60s in 2020

Over 60's - Left: Margaret Beaufoy, Barbara Cannon, Keith Sykes. Front right: Margaret Cudahy, Pam Russell, Sandra Sykes, Ray Beaufoy

Left: Margaret Beaufoy, Barbara Cannon, Keith Sykes. Front right: Margaret Cudahy, Pam Russell, Sandra Sykes, Ray Beaufoy

We all enjoyed our Christmas Lunch at the Rainbow Beach Pizza Café where we had a lovely array of salads, meats, prawn and of course plum pudding. We would again like to thank Sean and his lovely wife Elisa for making us feel so welcome.

Our group started off the year with a morning tea at President Dorothy’s home, so we could all catch up on our Christmas and New Year activities, so our first meeting would not take four hours.

Needless to say there was a lot of chit chat. Members were asked to bring a small plate with a small amount of goodies to share for morning tea.

Well one member, Lil, took it literally, though she did bring another larger plate with lots of goodies on it. There were 17 of us and of course enough food for twice that number.

Our first meeting will be on February 4, at the Rainbow Beach Surf Club, starting at 10am. Our social activities over the coming months will be sorted out at our February meeting.

Anyone wishing to come along to see what our club is about, is most welcome. Please phone President Dorothy on 54862357 for any information.

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