It’s time for putting, planting, painting and piscation

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club members, Debbie and Jim George, bring their nephew Costa Georgiadis, the dynamic host of ABC Gardening Australia back to Tin Can Bay for a must-see event

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club members, Debbie and Jim George, bring their nephew Costa Georgiadis, the dynamic host of ABC Gardening Australia back to Tin Can Bay for a must-see event

There are quite a few date claimers coming up! Here’s five for you – plus there are more in our What’s On, Creative Cuts and Sports pages – with bowls tournaments, a triathlon, tribute show and a run festival. So open up your calendar…

July 6  PRO AM 

Tin Can Bay Country Club invites you to a special event. The Pacific GWM Haval PRO AM has fantastic amateur prizes valued at $3000. At only $40 admission includes lunch and 18 holes with a PGA professional. The 7am and 12pm shotgun start “Stableford” is open to men, ladies and juniors.

Sponsors include: The Pump House, Bull Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Gympie Regional Council, Toro, Sea Breeze Kayaks, Hall Homes and Construction, Cooloola Mitre 10, Bridgestone Gympie Service Centre, All Coast Golf Cars, Fayde Golf, Asahi, Century 21 and Bundaberg Rum.

Call into the PRO SHOP or telephone James or his staff on 0409 727 577 to book today!

July 13    Costa comes to the Bay

Tin Can Bay Fishing Club presents Costa Georgiadis, the dynamic, award winning host of ABC Gardening Australia. Watch him in action from 9.30am, July 13 at the Tin Can Bay Complex.

Costa is here to discuss the Power of Pollination and why gardening for our birds, bees and butterflies is everyone’s business.

If you haven’t seen Costa live and spruiking what he is passionate about, I urge you to attend. We are lucky this fascinating presenter has relatives in Tin Can Bay so he keeps coming back to us!

Morning tea will be provided by the Quilting Club. You can win a lucky door prize or raffle.

It is only $15 per person, and bookings are essential. Call 0437 242 171 today so you don’t miss out!

July 30 – August 1  Art Show

It is time for all artists to show off their skills!

The Cooloola Coast Art Group’s annual art show will be held at the Tin Can Bay Country Club. This event will be an exhibition and sale of works. Entry forms and details will be available for pick up from Tin Can Country and via email.

All enquiries and bookings to Kerri on 0438 803 990 or email:

August 15 – 21 Fishing Classic

If piscatorial pursuits are your thing, then book in for the 2021 Rainbow Beach Family Fishing Classic and Expo.

The start date, Sunday August 15, is when competitors collect fishing competition and club membership cards at the Sports Club from 2pm. There are six days of weigh-ins for your viewing pleasure.

Other events include the Veterans’ Day (Tuesday 17), Ladies’ Day (Wednesday 18), Councillors’ Cook-Off (Thursday 19) and the Kids’ Day (Friday 20).

As usual, the Grand Finale on Saturday 20, will be full of prizes and fun. Register online or download a form at or call to find out more: 5486 3191.

October 2 Ambulance Flower show on this year

by Cheryl Zunic, Treasurer, Email –

The Local Ambulance Committee was unable to hold its annual Flower Show last year due to Covid restrictions. As the situation appears to be easing, we are making plans to run the show on Saturday October 2, at the Tin Can Bay Community Centre.

We wanted to give all our exhibitors some advance notice so you can begin to prepare your flowers, plants and photographs for the competition. There will be more details re entry forms, opening time, etc., closer to the date of the show.

The public support for the show is much appreciated as all proceeds go towards helping our Cooloola Coast Ambulance Service.

There will be stalls, raffles and plants for sale, as well as morning and afternoon teas. So please make a note of the date and come along to spend a very pleasant few hours among all the garden lovers and keen photographers in our community.

Just a reminder that our other major fundraiser for the Ambulance Service is the weekly bingo sessions held on Thursdays at the Tin Can Bay Country Club, commencing at 9.30am. A fun morning is guaranteed.

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