How the dental profession has fared during Covid-19

Dr Mark Cull checking Dental Assistant Kym Espin’s temperature which is done every day for the patients safety
It’s been interesting noticing which businesses have been directly affected by Covid-19, some more than others and some communities more than others, as we have seen first-hand in Rainbow Beach.
Dental services have been directly affected and even though under our ‘old normal’ conditions we were one of the safest places to visit, with all the stringent sterilisation practices and protocols and procedures already in place to ensure best practice, we have still had to adapt to the ‘new normal’.
Channon Lawrence Dental did shut during the height of the crisis while day-to-day we were all reacting to every change that came through from the government, just as they were reacting to the national and international situation.
Under the guidance of our dental professional bodies we used the time as wisely as we could, by acquiring the correct personal protective equipment, no small feat, with every one in the country competing for it.
We redesigned the space of our waiting room to accommodate social distancing and when it was deemed safe to re-open, we began screening with the Covid-19 screening questions and recording temperatures of all staff and patients, using mouthwash as a line of defense, also adopting even more safety procedures within the clinical areas.
While this places an extra burden on our staff, we are all happy to comply ensuring our community stays safe.
Every person has felt the impact of this pandemic, we are certainly blessed to live in our beautiful area surrounded by a great community who continue to support each other.
Channon Lawrence Dental