Hot rods and pageants!

Angi Muench and Rainbow Beach expat Manuela Platt (who you may know as Ella Pepinghege) had a lot of fun at the event last year Image by Salty (or call 0426 280 767)

Angi Muench and Rainbow Beach expat Manuela Platt (who you may know as Ella Pepinghege) had a lot of fun at the event last year Image by Salty (or call 0426 280 767)

Make sure you experience the third annual Rainbow Beach HOT ROD ‘N’ ROCKABILLY RUMBLE, on Sunday May 5 at 11am, at the Centre Block.

Organiser, Nick McGrath said, “The show is growing and ‘hot rodders’ are booked in for the weekend. We moved from the club to accommodate more people.

“There are more local guys involved – like Wayne from Rainbow Beach Fishing and Camping who is sponsoring a trophy. There are 16 categories as a direct result of locals getting involved.”

In fact, there will be eight Car Trophies and eight Motorcycle Trophies and prizes. Pageant winners take home a weekend for two at Rainbow Beach, helicopter ride for two, cosmetics and giveaways.

“Suzie Dunstan (Miss Blondie Bubbles) will be hosting the daytime ‘Miss Rainbow Beach’ Pin Up Pageant, with a tropical theme.

“We’re putting together a local’s night-time pageant for girls or guys – and there’ll be a few giveaways on the night for them!” said Nick.

It is Nick’s aim that all the businesses and charities in Rainbow will benefit: “We are raffling a Rainbow Beach helicopter ride. The Rainbow Beach P&C sausage sizzle will raise funds for school. If there are any other community-based local fundraising events, please give the club a call.”

So come see the classic and custom cars, hotrods and motorcycles from all over the world, live music and fashion, plus a jumping castle and kids’ activities, 11am till 4pm at the Centre Block.

Then party on from 5pm ‘til late at The Sports Club, with live rock ‘n’ roll, prizes and dancers – all for a fiver!

Find out more, call the Sports Club on 5486 3191 or email Nick:

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