Have your say on the Flood Mitigation Study May 6
Gympie Regional Council has appointed Aurecon to undertake the Gympie Region Flood Mitigation Study.
Mayor Ron Dyne said that they were appointed on the basis of their experience, particularly in business case development relating to flood mitigation, and their methodology particularly with regard to stakeholder engagement.
Stakeholder engagement will commence with their attendance at the flood forum convened by the Gympie Chamber of Commerce to be held on Monday 6 May at 5.30pm at the Civic Centre, Mellor Street, Gympie.
The project, which will take a whole of region approach, is jointly funded by council and the State Government up to a value of $200,000 with the Aurecon engagement having a value of $150,000.
“Council has a responsibility to seriously investigate whether there is a business case for mitigation measures that could help lessen the impact of flood events across the region,” Cr Dyne said.
“The study will be key in attracting the kind of funding needed from external sources to act on any recommendations.”
Cr Dyne concluded by stating that if any mitigation measures are identified, then council will be in a position to attempt to attract funding.
“We now know that we are currently disadvantaged by not having undertaken any sort of business case analysis of possible mitigation measures,” Cr Dyne said.
“Ultimately, however, what the study will deal with in a proper technical and economic matter is whether anything can actually be done or not, something which is long overdue.”