Happy Easter everyone!

Grab your Easter eggs, food and drinks from the businesses mentioned on page 38 who are open to support us
While it is an Easter we will remember forever, it might be time to brush up on why we eat insane amounts of chocolate each Easter Sunday.
Easter is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The Bible says that Christ died on the cross on a day called Good Friday, and rose from the dead three days later, hence Easter Sunday.
The reason Easter is celebrated at different times each year is because Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring Equinox.
Eggs were a traditional symbol of fertility and rebirth. Originally eating eggs was not allowed by church leaders during the week leading up to Easter. So any eggs laid that week were saved and decorated to make them Holy Week eggs, that were then given to children as gifts.
Why a rabbit? The bunny rabbit is said to be the symbol of Eostra—the pagan Germanic goddess of spring and fertility. … In other words, the Christian holiday of Easter, which celebrated the resurrection of Jesus, became superimposed on pagan traditions.
Why Sunday? Some churches will finish their Lenten period on Holy Saturday or Easter Sunday. Because of this, it was best to give your eggs on Easter Sunday itself, so you weren’t eating them when others had given up food for Lent.
But if you just want to have fun, don’t forget you can, and chocolate is good for you…
Happy Easter!