Gift packs from the QCWA
Happy new year to all in our community. Like everyone we are looking forward to 2021 being a better year for all.
QCWA made ten gift packs for distribution to families plus toiletries and small toys donated by CWA were given to Eileen at the Tin Can Bay Resource Centre, which John, Jennifer and June thanked us for.
We held our Christmas luncheon at Cooloola Bowls Club. We had a great time with Secret Santa, swapping presents and a Mystery Secret Santa gift which everyone kept pinching. Won in the end by Robyn, a good laugh had by all.
Many thanks to the Cooloola Bowls Club for an excellent venue and a great lunch.
We are glad to see visitors coming into town and our cottage has had lots of bookings for 2021 now the borders are open.
It’s great that tourists are taking advantage of Australian holidays. We are having an open day for the cottage if anyone would like to view on Friday January 29, from 10am to 12pm.
During that week we are closed for hall and cottage maintenance, the yearly pest control and air conditioner services.
Our Hoy morning was very popular, nice to see new faces, a fun morning.
Our Ham raffle was won by Elspeth who was very happy and thanks to Tin Can Bay Butchery for their donation.
Dates to remember for February 2021:
- Craft- first and third Wednesday of the month, February 3 and 10, open 9.30am
- Hoy- third Wednesday of the month (February 17) 9.30 for a 10am start at the Cooloola Bowls Club. Covid forms and social distancing still in place.
- Our branch meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month (February 8) with a 9am start for members. We now have 21 members, so come along any craft morning for a cuppa and a chat.
Stay safe, enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year from all the members at QCWA Branch Tin Can Bay.
President Wendy: 0412 547 043 or Cottage Convener Linda: 0490 670 518