Getting back into the swim of things!

Kyani Parton helping Chris and Bryan Smith and Georgia and baby Banksia get the most of their time in the newly reopened pool at Rainbow Beach
The Rainbow Warriors along with Bobbie-Jo Parton (BJ) and her family are on a big high after taking over the lease of the local Rainbow Beach Pool with the support of the sports club.
They aren’t the only ones, locals are thrilled it is open again and vow to support the venture by attending and helping out where possible.
With help already from Megan Bentley, Rob Mills, Tracey Montgomery, Sue and Dave Arthur and the Parton team, the pool was cleaned last month to get it ready to open and it looks stunning.
After managing the pool for eight years looking after the swimming club, water aerobics, coaching, and team building, BJ is thrilled to be able to use this local asset for health and recreation.
BJ said: “People are moving again and rehabilitation is just around the corner for locals and visitors.
“One of our lovely locals Trish who needs daily rehab has now been able to complete her first lap after six months.
“It is so rewarding to see the benefit that the pool gives to the community. With the Sports Club and Warriors Swim Club, along with community spirit, we can see the town grow and help our future generation keep safe and healthy.
“The school has utilised the pool for a swimming block to ensure our kids are prepared for a hot summer with water safety skills in place so we can help save lives.
“Come along to the pool and check out what’s happening throughout the holidays whether you want lessons, fitness or a fun program for the kids to join in, the team is here to assist.”
The pool is open six days, Monday to Friday, 6am – 11am; 3pm to 7pm and Saturday 9am to 5pm.
They are looking for any help with grants or a BBQ for events, so just pop by the pool and speak to BJ if you can help.
Well done everyone!