Get your entries in for the Flower Show
Well everyone, the flower show is rolling ever closer, and with all the lovely rain we have had recently, things should be looking up in the garden. Entry forms are now available with all the sections and entry information, so do look out for these, and put your entries in.
As usual there will be displays and informative discussions and demonstrations on several subjects, as well as plenty of items for you to purchase if you wish to do so. Opening time is 9.30am this year with morning and afternoon teas available.
So don’t forget the date, 18th October, with entries due on the 17th. Come along and support the Local Ambulance Committee in their endeavours to keep this station one of the best equipped in the state. The raffles will once again be run with at least three prizes, maybe more!
Photography will be one of the major components in the show, so get “snap happy” and take some floral photos. These can be quite interesting.
Congratulations to the new executive, elected last month. Don’t forget, Bingo at the Country Club on Thursdays at 9.30am – with great fun and morning tea available.