German visitors to Rainbow Beach on the rise
Destination Gympie Region Chief, Andrew Saunders, says tourism representatives in Europe have mentioned that Rainbow Beach is gaining a lot of interest and many tourism representatives want to know more about the destination.
Images of Rainbow Beach have featured in two billboards recently – working with VSC we secured a prime position billboard in Fortitude Valley for the month of January.
With partners Tourism and Events Queensland, Singapore Airlines and Explorer Fernreisen, one of Germany’s largest travel wholesale companies, an image of Rainbow Beach was chosen for a German-wide campaign.
Tourism and Events Queensland (TEQ) has also produced a 20-page supplement to promote Australia’s Nature Coast supported by VSC and FCTE.
The Sunshine and Fraser Coasts had huge appeal to the German tourism market because of their connection to nature – whales, dolphins, turtles and our Aussie hospitality.
To the year ending September 2017, German visitation to Queensland grew strongly to reach record highs in total and holiday visitation, up by 6.0% and 9.7% respectively.
Expenditure by German visitors also grew, up by 10.0% to $191.6m. On the Sunshine Coast – 39,000 German visitors, increased 24.2% from the previous year. On the Fraser Coast – 31,000 German visitors, increased 12.5% from the previous year.