Fun for all at the P&C Car Boot Sale
Rainbow Beach State School is hosting a Car Boot Sale at the Rainbow Beach Community Hall car park 9am-1pm on Sunday August 13.
There is much to entertain visitors, with a jumping castle, buskers, face-painting and yummy food stalls. Chappy Ronnie is hoping a group from the Kitchen Garden team will be there to sell plants and produce.
P&C member, Laurel Findlater said, “It’s fun for everyone. Good food – steak sandwiches, sausage sizzle, bacon and egg rolls, and more!”
Come and support the local school P&C to help fundraise for the the school, as it needs some TLC. The P&C hope to raise enough for a shade sail for the the kitchen garden to protect our kids in the Queensland summer. Computer upgrades are also needed.
If you would like a space, please call Kirstie on 0439 701 227 for information or to book – it is only $10 sellers entry fee/per car.