Forest Wind – Expressions of Interest
Are you a local business that wants to supply Forest Wind, the proposed wind farm in the Toolara, Tuan and Neerdie State Forests?
Local businesses are invited to lodge an Expression of Interest to supply the Project via the Forest Wind Project Page on the ICN Gateway.
A wide range of opportunities are available from accommodation providers, logistics and transport, quarry and cement products, security services, water haulage, to electrical and civil works.
Visit for more information.
Local and Traditional Owner participation is an important objective for Forest Wind. Butchulla and Kabi Kabi businesses are encouraged to lodge an Expression of Interest.
Forest Wind Community Consultative Committee
Forest Wind is calling for nominations to become a member of the Forest Wind Community Consultative Committee.
The Committee will provide a forum for discussion between the Forest Wind Project Team and representatives of the community, stakeholder groups such as local businesses, resident groups and associations, environment groups and the local councils on issues directly relating to the Project.
If you are interested in representing your community or local organisation on the Committee, please complete a nomination form and email it to
Terms of Reference and nomination forms are available on our website at
For more information, please email or phone 07 5447 1472