Eggs and Bacon at City Farm

City Farm plant of the month is the Aotus ericoides

City Farm plant of the month is the Aotus ericoides

Our plant of the month is “Aotus ericoides”, commonly known as Golden Pea or Eggs and Bacon.

This plant is a variable shrub that may grow up to two metres high with a yellow pea flower that has a red-orange band around a yellow centre and bright yellow wings and keel.

Flowering occurs late winter to spring in upper leaf axils. It likes full sun and attracts bees, butterflies and birds.

City Farm Nursery is located opposite the Community Centre on Tin Can Bay Road and is open to the public from this month on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 8am-3pm now spring is with us.

We do realise that COVID-19 is still going to be ever present in our lives, but at City Farm we are trying our best to live within the boundaries.

Our contact number is (07) 5486-2304.  Email address: and our website address is:

We would like to reiterate that we are a Cash Only organisation.

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