Dragons say happy 80th birthday, Norma!

Octogenarian Norma Sanderson celebrating with fellow Dragons and friends at TCB Yacht Club: Andra Casey, Pam Corey, Vic Vella, Elaine Dimmock, and Norma, reading her handmade birthday card
What a great weekend at Lake Kawana for the Coast to Coast Dragon Festival. Teams from Sydney, Melbourne and Tasmania were attendees in this festival. Our Coach, Sandy Wooster, and Club Treasurer, Sandra Binnie, were volunteers for this meet.
Coach Sandy brought back some great paddling tips.
We proudly celebrated the birthday of our first octogenarian club member. Well known Tin Can Bay stalwart, Norma Sanderson, will celebrate her 80th birthday on that day.
Norma is our senior sweep (e.g. the one who steers with the big oar at the back of the boat). A steerer needs to be mentally alert and have knowledge of the rules/laws of the waterways and tides.
You also need to be physically fit and have the stamina to turn/corner a 20-seater-long Dragon Boat. Not for the faint hearted! Once the boat is on the water the steerer is in charge of the boat.
Norma is our club’s inspiration and role model….the perfect example of “if you don’t use it you’ll lose it”. What a great reason to come and try Dragon Boating!
Along with Dragon teams from Hervey Bay and Bundy, we were in 1770 to compete in the first of the Wide Bay Series of Dragon Boating. We love this series!
And then on June 26/27 they will all be here in Tin Can Bay, when we will host our turn of the series. Make sure you are there!
For more info on our sport of Dragon Boating, please contact Coach Sandy: 0402352756.