Download the free ‘Emergency +’ and ‘Triplezero’ Apps
Cheryl Zunic, Treasurer
Many people will be taking the opportunity to travel away from home during the school holiday period. If you are travelling or are in an unfamiliar location and have to call for emergency help, it can be hard to know exactly where to direct the emergency services.
A helpful tool for dealing with emergency situations is the ‘Emergency +’ smartphone App This app provides your phone’s GPS coordinates so you can give the Emergency Dispatcher your exact location and help the ambulance find you.
It also gives you all the important phone numbers to call in emergency and non-emergency situations. The Emergency + App is free to download from Google play, the App Store and Windows Store.
Another useful tool available online is the ‘Triple Zero’ Kids’ Challenge. This fun game helps teach children about how to recognise an emergency, how to call Triple Zero (000), and the importance of knowing your address and phone number.
It can be downloaded for free from the App Store for apple devices or Google Play for android devices. It can also be played online at:
The members of the LAC held their first meeting since the Covid-19 lockdown last month and hopefully will be able to resume the normal monthly meetings from here on.
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