Don’t use supermarket prawns as bait
Choosing the right bait when you go fishing can play a vital role in protecting our waterways from exotic diseases that could wreak havoc with our local industries.
People planning to go fishing when the restrictions are lifted are asked to choose their bait carefully and even better – ‘shop local’ as Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay have great businesses selling quality bait.
Using supermarket prawns as bait could introduce diseases, such as White Spot disease, into our waterways.
While most people are already aware of this, there are others who may not realise the risk, which is why it’s important to pass this message on – use the right bait.
At Rainbow Beach you can access quality bait at Rainbow Beach Camping and Fishing on Clarkson Drive; Rainbow Beach Hardware on Rainbow Beach Road and Gardiners Fisheries on Karoonda Street and in Tin Can Bay go to The Chandlery on Emperor Street, Tin Can Bay.