Diabetes support
Every year tens of thousands of Australians are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This can be an overwhelming time for many people but it’s important to be proactive, reach out for support and access information from a range of health professionals.
Knowing the signs and symptoms, the risk complications and steps to put in place towards managing the condition can make all the difference.
Kerry Roach, SCHHS Program Coordinator says, “We deliver community-based workshops for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes and aim to build knowledge and confidence in their ability to self manage the condition.
“Many people are not sure where to turn when newly diagnosed, so our workshops are a good opportunity to learn all about the condition and the risk complications associated with type 2 diabetes.”
The workshops are provided regularly at Gympie and this year they will also be providing a session at Tin Can Bay for the Cooloola Coast residents.
“Our workshops are free for anyone diagnosed with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, and carers and family members are encouraged to also attend,” says Kerry.
Information within the workshop is presented by a range of health professionals including diabetes educators, dietitians, social workers and health promotion officers.
Workshops are free to attend and will be held in Gympie on May 27, August 5, and Tin Can Bay on November 25, for bookings phone 54799670 or for further information email SC-T2D-Education@health.qld.gov.au