Design Contract Awarded for Cooroy to Curra
GHD has been awarded the detailed design contract for the Bruce Highway, Cooroy to Curra – Section D planning project.
Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Darren Chester said the Australian Government had committed $40 million towards the planning and detailed design work on the section of the Bruce Highway between Woondum Interchange and Curra.
“The detailed design phase of this project will allow for further refinements to the planning layout for Section D, and will produce the final project design layout” Mr Chester said.
“This section of the Bruce Highway, once complete, will be the final part of the 61 kilometre upgrade between Cooroy and Curra, building on the Government’s ongoing commitment to fix the Bruce Highway.”
Queensland Minister for Main Roads and Road Safety Mark Bailey said the Queensland Government had invested $10 million to ensure the design process for Section D continued.
“This 26 kilometre section of the Bruce Highway will bypass Gympie, with the corridor running east of the town, close to the railway line until Old Maryborough Road,” Mr Bailey said.
“Preliminary planning for the Section D project was finalised in early 2016. With this additional funding, we were able to go to market to find the most suitable design consultant.
“GHD is expected to complete the detailed design of the project by late-2017 – bringing us one step closer to being shovel ready and supporting jobs during the construction phase of the project.”
Federal Member for Wide Bay Warren Truss said a planning study and route selection for the whole Bruce Highway, Cooroy to Curra corridor was completed in 2008.
“Once completed, this final design will address and provide solutions to improve flood immunity and a reduction in vehicle accidents on this section of the Bruce Highway,” Mr Truss said.
“We are one step closer to delivering the goal by awarding this major contract to GHD.”
The $50 million Bruce Highway, Cooroy to Curra – Section D planning project has been a jointly funded with the Australian Government contributing $40 million and the Queensland Government $10 million.