CWA bargains, hoy, craft and a twilight walk!

Mollie with her crocheted jungle theme rug, her entry in the QCWA Knitting Competition

Mollie with her crocheted jungle theme rug, her entry in the QCWA Knitting Competition

President Wendy Ritchie, QCWA Tin Can Bay, 0412 547 043

How great it is to see our branch members back for our first meeting. Craft mornings are very popular and all welcome – plus there is a garage sale March 20 at the hall, 18 Whiting Street, 7-11am.

We have some very talented members who have many skills. If you would like to learn anything please come along on the first and second Wednesdays of each month.

At our craft morning, on March 3, Beth will teach Iris Folding on Cards, kits are $3. Beautiful samples for Easter and birthdays, or just carry on with your own crafts, chat and a coffee.

Don’t forget the photo entries must be in by March 8, and our photography convener Lorraine (5486 2226) is happy to receive entries and has relevant forms – 50c per photo entry.

We held a lovely morning tea to thank Irene, a long-term member who has moved to Brisbane to be closer to family, and will be sadly missed by our branch and division. We wish her all the best for the future.

Our Twilight Walk for International Women’s Day will be on March 8, from Norman Point Tin Can Bay; for fit walkers, next pick up along the way is at The Snack Shack then walk on down the front to the next pick up point the exercise machines on the walkway.

Onto the next pick up at the Newsagent shops, then everyone finishes at the Rotunda next to the RSL. Glow sticks are available or bring a torch.Refreshments will be served at the finish by QCWA and a short talk by Councillor Jess Milne.

Hoy was a great success, our first back on at the Cooloola Bowls Club. Thank you for your support, the money raised is going towards our current projects of Domestic Violence and Birthing Kits.

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