Covid passes questioned
Each time you head up the beach to Double Island Teewah, you not only need a valid vehicle access permit, but also a Covid-19 restricted access area authority pass.
There are only two places in Queensland that require this covid pass – Cooloola and Bribie Island recreation areas, as they have been designated Restricted Access Areas.
Government claims it is to assist with managing visitor numbers and community safety as part of the government’s Covid-19 response.
It is in place to “support Queensland Health directives to reduce the spread of Covid-19 and keep our visitors safe.”
It absolutely makes sense that if you have been to a declared Covid-19 Hotspot in the previous 14 days or have been in contact with a known Covid-19 case, or have symptoms related to Covid-19, you are not welcome here….or anywhere.
And like all cafes, bars and restaurants, leaving contact details is essential and that is noted on the vehicle permit.
However, if 25,000 spectators are considered Covid safe at a major indoor or outdoor sporting facility so you can “get out and support your local team”, surely it makes sense to enable people to drive with their family in a 4WD up the beach to lie in the sun or fish?