Cooloola Coast Probus to host a combined Christmas Lunch

The Probus Melbourne Cup Lunch even has a special guest when Michelle Payne  made her entrance (alias Jill), pictured here with the fashion parade models

The Probus Melbourne Cup Lunch even has a special guest when Michelle Payne
made her entrance (alias Jill), pictured here with the fashion parade models

As usual, Cooloola Coast Probus Club members have been out and about enjoying the fun, friendship and fellowship that our club affords.

The highlight for November was of course attending the Cooloola Coast Bowls Club Melbourne Cup Lunch, a much-loved and annual event for our members.

The ladies fashions were superb, as were the wide variety of hats and fascinators, and awards were handed out to the best dressed, best hat, best dressed gent, etc. M.C. Jill really kept things moving with the entertainment – the ukulele group, the Op Shop Fashion Parade, fun and jokes for everyone.

The ladies in the kitchen excelled themselves and the service was very prompt. A few of our members won their (small) fortune on the sweeps but unfortunately we missed out on raffles. However, all in all it was a great day absolutely enjoyed from start to finish by our members. We vowed and declared to line up again for next year’s event!

We will finish the year hosting the Combined Christmas Lunch when we will be joined by Gympie, Gympie-Widgee and Maryborough Combined Probus Clubs. Plans are well in hand for great food, entertainment and of course, Santa.

We meet at the Sandcastle Motel on the second Monday of each month at 2pm. For further information please contact Jo on 0428 762 572 or Kaye on 0421 648 129.

Cooloola Coast Probus Club members wish everyone in the Cooloola Coast area a very happy Christmas and best wishes for a wonderful year ahead in 2020.

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