Cooloola Coast Probus News December 2018
We were saddened to lose one of our foundation members recently – Pam Leslie. She served as our Welfare Officer for many years in spite of failing eyesight. At our monthly meeting many members paid tribute to her. She was a great lady and will be greatly missed, not just by us but by the whole community.
The Melbourme Cup celebrations at the Cooloola Bowling Club were so much fun. Some even came home a bit richer due to their winnings on the sweeps. One of our members, John Olson won the prize for the Best Dressed Male.
Two of our members, Val and Graham McClurg, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary recently. Congratulations to them both. They are an inspiration to us all.
Wishing everyone, editorial staff and readers, a very happy Christmas and new year.
Remember, if you are an active retiree you are always welcome to join us. For more information contact Kaye Olson 0421 648 129 or Jo Said 0428 762 572.