Cooloola Coast Probus Club news
Members gathered with a lot of smiles and chin-wagging after the Christmas break. We had enjoyed our Christmas lunch and skits in December, and many kept in touch over the holiday season, but to all be together again at our January meeting was very welcome.
Guest Speaker was our local Councillor, Jess Milne, who spoke of her road to seeking election, and encouraged us to contact the Gympie Regional Council with our concerns and ideas – preferably in writing. She also answered many questions about local issues.
Member Cherryl Mossman joined the Women’s Royal Australian Army Corps (WRAAC) as a young girl and gave a short illustrated talk about her service and the friendships made.
Margaret Ambrose is moving interstate, but she plans to join another Probus Club near her new home. She has been our hospitality officer and was farewelled at a morning tea.
February’s meeting on Monday February 8 will be held in Gympie, with lunch at the Phoenix Hotel after attending the annual Probus Ecumenical Service, but we’ll be back in March to our normal meeting place each second Monday of the month at 2pm at the Sandcastle Motel in Tin Can Bay.
We welcome new members. Contact Arthur 07-5486 4581 or Katrina at