Choose to Challenge
This year, 12 local women began planning a whole week of local events to honour this International Women’s Day and those past, present and future generations in the quest for a better compassionate and fair world.
Monday 8 TWILIGHT WALK – 6pm – Norman Point
Carry a glow stick (donation requested) on your physical and mental challenge to walk from any of the four starting points along the route from Norman Point to the library. Refreshments and guest speaker at the end.
Tuesday 9 ART – 10am-12noon – Tuncunba Gardens
Hear stories, see artists working with various mediums, browse the artwork on display and participate in using different painting mediums.
Wed 10 CREATIVE WRITING -1-4pm – TCB Community and Men’s Shed
Let your imagination flow. Enjoy and express yourself. Challenge the norm.
Thursday 11 INSIGHTFUL JOURNEYS – 9am-1pm – Cathy House
Meditation, Tarot cards, psychometry.
Thursday 11 MUSIC – 2.30-4.30pm – Cathy House
Just a reminder:
87,000 women are killed every year just because they are women. Of those, 50,000 are killed by their male partners or family members – and those are only the deaths we know about
111 countries have no repercussions for husbands who rape their wife
2.7 billion women are legally restricted from having the same choice of jobs as men
14% is the size of Australia’s gender pay gap
45 countries do not have specific laws against domestic violence
35% of women globally have experienced sexual or physical violence
‘Women of Note’ Hear stories and music of female composers throughout time.
Thursday 11 DRAGON BOATING – 3-4.30pm – TCB Yacht Club
Learn the history and the basics of dragon boating. Get wet and challenge yourself to paddle. Wear comfy clothes/shoes. Bring a hat, sunscreen, water.
Friday 12 CONVERSATIONS – 9.30am-6pm – Cathy House
9.30am The Wonder Years, 11.30am Our Roots, 2pm Her Story, 4pm Myths/Truths
Saturday 13 MORNING TEA – 9.30am – Cooloola Coast Bowls Club
Enjoy delicious morning tea. Hear guest speakers, see vintage tea towels and aprons on display. Wear your fancy apron. $7 pp, you must book: 5486 4836.
Sunday 14 CLOSING CEREMONY – 5pm – Norman Point
Gather to cast a flower into the water, whilst sending your individual thoughts, prayers and wishes.
All events are free or donations, so hopefully you can look at the program and find one or two events that will interest you. For more information call Joy Black on 0455629232 or email: