Celebrities, catches and cracker events
I sent a sunny pic with this caption to my family in chilly Canberra:
“I absolutely love winter in Queensland..
…last year it was a Wednesday.”
It was not well received.
The blue skies were posted daily on the Community News facebook page, bringing one regular visitor to implore, “stop it”.
The big news this month is that Rainbow Beach will have its own Ambulance Station. Hopefully when the build is finished this time next year, the beach stairs will be repaired!
Last month, I walked with my daughter in a Mother’s Day Classic (near my mum on the Gold Coast), snapped Fishing Club members as they celebrated more progress in Tin Can Bay, sweated at cross country in Gympie (and that was as a spectator) and supped school garden-grown rosella jam, scones and tea at the garden open day.
My student tour leaders, Annie and Ruby taught me lots I didn’t know about the RBSS garden. And “oh my gourd” (phrase courtesy of Glenda Misso), there are four of the huge vegies now, they just keep growing in the living tunnel. No wonder the garden won a regional prize. Well done!
There are some cracker events happening in June – the Pig Day Out in memory of Kelly Geissmann, raising funds for melanoma prevention; the inaugural Lantern Walk – a German tradition brought to life in Rainbow Beach by some playgroup mums, and the school holidays.
Celebrities too have been snapped diving at Wolf Rock or on fishing charters. And the impressive catches! Check out some them inside the pages, I guess everyone is warming up for the Fishing Classic next month.
That’s when my boots, beanies and coats will come out!